Remember the Beneficio hippies?

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Once upon a time there were some lovely people who opposed wars and conflicts and called themselves children of the living light. You all know who I'm talking about; yet as most of you do not know, they did not disappear in the '70. There are still islands of hippie light scattered around southern Europe and believe it or not they await any stranger with open arms.
Here are a few pictures taken years ago in Beneficio, one of the last remaining "alternative" communities.

The big lodge

My very own little place in the Casa Maya

Children of the road

Little house on the hill

Early morning - the music is still sleeping

Early morning sun through the trees

Suzy waking up

The village of Orgiva and the parking place of Beneficio

Special shrooms spaghetti thingy

Good old regular wieners and fries

Wild almonds embracing their gastronomic destiny

Beneficio valley

Animals are our friends. When did we Babylon people forget that?

Yurts and tepees

"Improvise, man; you have to... like... let your spirit build the house for you"

Visiting friends in the Casa Maya

Big Lodge as seen from the pine forest located hundreds of meters higher

My Jewish friend Hillel

Improvised fireplace

Dalian influence

Siesta in Orgiva

Miguel, 87 years old owns a little orange shop. His walls are white and the sun during the siesta is miraculously avoiding his little bit of universe. I dropped my backpack and started reading something as he closed his shop and offered me a gift of oranges.
"We were strangers right up to now, but from now on we are amigos" he says and smiles through his bushy mustache. "In Andalusia naranjas are life, naranjas and light. Pass it on, young amigo" then he went away.
Live on forever, Miguel!


Unknown said...

woooo good shoots, nice trip

Eduard Wisernig said...

Thanks Enrique, there's such beautiful, calm and natural people over there... If you have the opportunity, don't hesitate to drop by, it's very near to Granada.

Anonymous said...

look what we've found:

Eduard Wisernig said...

Haha, the foto from Panoramio is taken roughly last year while the picture from above is taken more than 3 years ago.
Even so, when I returned there in February 2008, the big lodge wasn't there anymore, they moved it on the terrace on the right.